
My web.xml is: http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5"> TestStruts2



I'm using Spring and Tiles2.1 My resource folder is in /WEB-INF/Templates/Resources/ DispatcherServlet is set to map all ("/"). I want to exclude "Resources" folder (that contains images,css) because tomcat doesn't show images and css. It sayes something like: ,,No mapping found for ...."


1 Answers


Take the resources like images, css etc. out of WEB-INF. "WEB-INF" is not for static resources and it's used to contain program code (JSPs, class files, libraries, etc.) and prevent access from outside. It is not a good practice to put your resources into your project archive (.war, .ear) because your package will be very heavy weight to deploy.


means that your dispatcherServlet maps the requests http://host/applicationName/*

You can put your resources into vhost/host.com/httpdocs/images of your host independent from your java application. say:


and relatively accessable from your templeates (jsps)

<img src="/myimages/myicon.png"/>

therefore your packages would be smaller and speedy to deploy ;)