
is it in someway possible to change the color or appereance of work items in the result list of a query depending on a value of a field? Want to draw my work item titles red for bugs and green for "ideas" and so on ... Is this possible with native Visual Studio / TFS methods? Or do I have to use external tools for that?

Thanks Konrad

Do you mean the query results within VS, or would using the Excel plugin to get results be OK?Richard

3 Answers


You could, if you want to, open the query in excel. Then, you could modify the color of a cell, row or column, based on the value of that (or another cell).

Finally, you should be able to modify the XLST excel template file used to display the query results, so that it will always use the color code.


It is a great idea. You can post your suggestion on UserVoice. Microsoft listens to the feedback of the items that get a lot of votes. You can find it at http://visualstudio.uservoice.com.

Using Excel with the conditional formatting is a good alternative.
