There is always OpenCV, which is multiplatform and relatively easy to push data into.
OR - you can always pipe the video data to another executable.
For instance, in unix you can do:
In your program:
char myimage[640*480*4];
// read data into myimage
And in a script that runs your program:
./myprogram | \
mencoder /dev/stdin -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo w=640:h=480:fps=30:format=rgba \
-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=9000000 \
-oac copy -o output.avi
(Note that this does compress the video - uncompressed is just a matter of changing the mencoder command-line)
I believe you can also use ffmpeg this way, or x264. You can also start the encoder from within your program, and write to a pipe (making the whole process as simple if you were using a library) - and this should work on Windows, Linux or Mac (with minor modifications to the mencoder command-line).
Obviously there are no licensing issues either (apart from distribution of the mencoder executable), as you are not linking to any code or compiling anything in.
While not quite what you want, it does have the advantage that a second processor will automatically be used for the encoding.