I am using opengl 2.0 with the fixed function pipeline. It seems that in opengl 2.0 they push the vertices through the model-view stack which is basically (view matrix * model matrix), in which the model matrix doesn't provide any transformation really it brings an object say a cube to be centered at (0,0,0) if the model view matrix has a identity matrix loaded.Also the camera it self would be located at (0,0,0) looking down the negative z axis.
So if I use a translate call with the cube I am I really moving the cube in Eye space ?
From what I learned the generalized viewing pipeline is
Vertices -> Modelling Matrix -> World Space, Objects in World Space -> Viewing Matrix -> Eye Space, Eye Space Objects -> Projection Matrix -> Clipping Space , Then normalization ect
So If I switch to the model view matrix stack() loadidentity () gltranslate ( up 5 units in the negative z direction) gldrawcube()
it would move the cube from center of the eye space according to the translation ?
I think my confusion is that I don't know what is loaded into the model view matrix stack when the program starts, I assume it is an identity matrix that brings everything to the centre of the eye space.