
I have a RSS feed which have the data in the following format:

    <title><![CDATA[à¨ç·à«çµàµÍÃì-JETSETER-»Å×éÁ-½Ñ¹à»ç¹¨ÃÔ§-¤Í¹àÊÔÃìµãË­è¤ÃÑé§áá㹪ÕÇÔµ-REDioactive-Presents-Jetseter-Music-Inspiration-Concert ]]></title>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.thaiticketmajor.com/»ÃЪÒÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ìÅÙ¡¤éÒ/à¨ç·à«çµàµÍÃì-JETSETER-»Å×éÁ-½Ñ¹à»ç¹¨ÃÔ§-¤Í¹àÊÔÃìµãË­è¤ÃÑé§áá㹪ÕÇÔµ-REDioactive-Presents-Jetseter-Music-Inspiration-Concert-1012.html</guid>
        <pubDate>Fri, 30 Sep 2011 12:06:38 +0700</pubDate> 
        <description><![CDATA[<img src="http://www.majorcineplex.com/cropImage.php?imgName=http://www.thaiticketmajor.com/bus/imgUpload/newsThumb1012_jet-sm.jpg&w=70&h=33;c:width=50,height=50;file:rssimg.jpg"/>  ¾º¡Ñº¤Í¹àÊÔÃìµãË­èàµçÁÃٻẺ¤ÃÑé§áá¢Í§ ǧà¨ç·à«çµàµÍÃì (JETSET'ER) ! ! ! ǧ´¹µÃÕ·Õè¼ÊÁ¼ÊÒ¹¤ÇÒÁʹء¡Ñºà¾Å§à¾ÃÒпѧʺÒÂàÍÒäÇé´éÇ¡ѹÍÂèҧŧµÑÇ ]]></description>


Now I want the date value that is present in pubDate, and I tried that by using :

for entry in RSS_FEED.entries:
        FEED_TITLE = entry.title
        FEED_DESCRIPTION = entry.description
        FEED_DATE = entry.pubDate

which result in error :

raise AttributeError, "object has no attribute '%s'" % key

then I tried Universal Feed Parser document and try using:

FEED_DATE = str(entry.updated_parsed)

Though I am not getting any error this time , but I am not getting the actual date tim ein pubDate field instead I am getting the values as below:

Datetime.struct_time(tm_year=2011, tm_mon=9, tm_mday=30, tm_hour=11, tm_min=19, tm_sec=4, tm_wday=4, tm_yday=273,


2 Answers


It's in the format of a time.struct_time class.

You can convert it to a datetime object, or just access the properties, however you desire.


First, here's a simple c# rss parser approach that uses a dom primarily based method English Language Academy. It extracts the basic elements of title, description, link, and pubdate from the channel and item stages and it places them right into a dictionary (much like pilgrim's parser does).