
I am a beginner and need help.

I am currently involved in a project, where required to build a chat application (server side and client side). After further explore, eventually I was interested in XMPP.

For XMPP Server, I have been interested in the Openfire, which support XMPP Protocol. The question that remains unanswered is whether Openfire can be extended to the needs of Message Notification, which is a feature of the Blackberry Messenger which can determine whether a message is PENDING, DELIVERED, or has been READ by the client (user).

Can anyone help me?

@Agung Pratama : Have you succeeded in this matter? I'm curious myself on how to do itDanut Pralea
@danipralea unfortunately my project is discontinued, and I believe the Openfire doesn't support that features yet, please look at here: issues.igniterealtime.org/browse/OF-434Agung Pratama
Actually I have succeeded in implementing it.Danut Pralea
@danipralea wow, you implement it by creating the plugin? If you don't mind, can you share it how the concept and the implementation is done?Agung Pratama

1 Answers


As the (almost!) duplicate thread mentions, this question seems to be about XEP-0184.

See also:

XEP-0079: Advanced Message Processing http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0079.html

Discussion thread: XEP-0184 Message Receipts http://community.igniterealtime.org/thread/35128

Add support for XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts [Status: Open] http://issues.igniterealtime.org/browse/OF-434