If you're not generating your numbers too fast (*1) and your upper limit is low enough (*2) and your "time of day" includes nanoseconds, just use those nanoseconds.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int nanorand(void) {
struct timespec p[1];
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, p);
return p->tv_nsec % 1000;
int main(void) {
int r, x;
for (;;) {
r = nanorand();
do {
printf("please type %d (< 50 quits): ", r);
if (scanf("%d", &x) != 1) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
} while (x != r);
if (r < 50) break;
return 0;
And a sample run ...
please type 769 (< 50 quits): 769
please type 185 (< 50 quits): 185
please type 44 (< 50 quits): 44
(*1) if you're using them interactively, one at a time
(*2) if you want numbers up to about 1000
? Or use the xkcd method. – user142019random()
then? – Staven