To answer your question you need to visit one link only:
In fact the homepage of fastest textual searcher is this:
>So what if I have a very shor key (example 10 chars), and alot of text to search (over 10,000 chars).
Exactly this key range (10-11 chars) is tested in my heavy (1TB) strstr showdown. There 400,000 words are searched in 300,000 words, ONE-BY-ONE, an excellent load for a strstr function!
>Would Boyer Moore be the best search algorithm for this scenario?
According to my tests the fastest text searcher (using Microsoft V16 /Ox) is Railgun_Quadruplet_7Gulliver, yet it is second best when /Ox is used and Intel 12.1, you can test it yourself, see below.
If you have a fast machine, say i7 37*, I would like to see your results of my latest console benchmark package (testing Microsoft v16 vs Intel 12.1 compilers):
Test on my T7500 2200Mhz notebook:
E:\_KAZE_Benchmark_2013>SKYFALL_TXT2HTML_MicrosoftV16.exe MIX_Tesla_BABAJI_Castaneda_Poirot_Holmes_Sunnah_Hadith_Quran_Bible_Patanjali_Dao_Simplici
ssimus.wrd.txt MASAKARI_General-Purpose_Grade_English_Wordlist_r3_316423_words.wrd /Gulliver
SKYFALL_TXT2HTML, revision 2, written by Kaze.
Size of 1st input file: 8916987
Size of 2nd input file: 3869529
Doing Search for each word with Railgun_Quadruplet_7Gulliver ...
Railgun_Quadruplet_7Gulliver performance: 1944+KB/clock
Average Pattern Length: 11
Function Invocations: 420,640
Function Inner-Loop Iterations: 131,873,881,926
Function Really Traversed: 1,142,740,439KB
E:\_KAZE_Benchmark_2013>SKYFALL_TXT2HTML_MicrosoftV16.exe MIX_Tesla_BABAJI_Castaneda_Poirot_Holmes_Sunnah_Hadith_Quran_Bible_Patanjali_Dao_Simplici
ssimus.wrd.txt MASAKARI_General-Purpose_Grade_English_Wordlist_r3_316423_words.wrd
SKYFALL_TXT2HTML, revision 2, written by Kaze.
Size of 1st input file: 8916987
Size of 2nd input file: 3869529
Doing Search for each word with Railgun_Quadruplet_7 ...
Railgun_Quadruplet_7 performance: 1747+KB/clock
Average Pattern Length: 11
Function Invocations: 420,640
Function Inner-Loop Iterations: 146,826,792,351
Function Really Traversed: 1,142,740,439KB
E:\_KAZE_Benchmark_2013>SKYFALL_TXT2HTML_MicrosoftV16.exe MIX_Tesla_BABAJI_Castaneda_Poirot_Holmes_Sunnah_Hadith_Quran_Bible_Patanjali_Dao_Simplici
ssimus.wrd.txt MASAKARI_General-Purpose_Grade_English_Wordlist_r3_316423_words.wrd /Hasherezade
SKYFALL_TXT2HTML, revision 2, written by Kaze.
Size of 1st input file: 8916987
Size of 2nd input file: 3869529
Doing Search for each word with Railgun_Hasherezade ...
Railgun_Hasherezade performance: 1774+KB/clock
Average Pattern Length: 11
Function Invocations: 420,640
Function Inner-Loop Iterations: 128,900,655,391
Function Really Traversed: 1,142,740,439KB
There are some up-and-downs when 32bit and 64bit code is used also significant margins between Microsoft & Intel.
Gulliver's "engine" is order 2 BM-Horspool tuned by me.
As you can see on my humble laptop Gulliver searches for patterns (Average Pattern Length: 11) at 1898MB/s, even the super beautiful BNDM bends a knee here.