EDIT: As pointed out by Seb, this is not strictly an example of 'extending' a plugin, more 'encapsulating' a plugin, so take it as it comes :)
Here's something I did to simplify my usage of the jquery autocomplete plugin a while ago:
// small autocomplete plugin wrapping the full autocomplete plugin for a standard look and feel
(function($) {
$.fn.standardAutocomplete = function(type) {
return this.autocomplete(ToAbsoluteUrl("~/System/Autocomplete/" + type), {
formatItem: formatItem,
formatResult: formatResult
// Autocomplete formatting callbacks
function formatItem(row) { return row[0] + "<span class=\"sub\">" + row[1] + "</span>"; }
function formatResult(row) { return row[0].replace(/(<.+?>)/gi, ''); }
Now that's not following "by the book" jquery coding practise - e.g. I'm not accounting for the fact there could be multiple elements selected, but in this case, I know I'm never going to select more than one element on a page with this so I wanted to keep simple, and it "works for me". You might be able to use a similar approach, perhaps with a little more sophistication.