
I am trying to find the parity of a bitstring so that it returns 1 if x has an odd # of 0's.
I can only use basic bitwise operations and what I have so far passes most of the tests, but I'm wondering 2 things:

  1. Why does x ^ (x + ~1) work? I stumbled upon this, but it seems to give you 1 if there are an odd number of bits and something else if even. Like 7^6 = 1 because 7 = 0b0111

  2. Is this the right direction of problem solving for this? I'm assuming my problem is stemming from the first operation, specifically (x + ~1) because it would overflow certain 2's complement numbers. Thanks


int bitParity(int x) {
    int first = x ^ (x + ~1);
    int second = first ^ 1; // if first XOR gave 1 you'll return 0 here
    int result = !!second;
return result;
Where did you find that algorithm?rnunes
don't use int, there will be overflow and this then is undefined behavior. Use unsigned and 1u instead, here the wrap around is well defined.Jens Gustedt
This algorithm does not work. It returns 1 for all values between 0 and 255.undur_gongor
I took odd bit binary numbers and XOR'd, AND'd, and OR'd them with themselves minus 1 and XOR was the only one that gave something useful (or so I thought).tippenein

3 Answers


Your parity function doesn't actually work as far as I can tell - it seems to get the answer right about half of the time, which is about as good as returning a random result (or even just returning 0 or 1 all the time).

There are several bit level hacks which do actually work at: http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ParityNaive - you probably want to look at the last one of these: http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ParityParallel


I would use actual counting rather than bit-level hacks that exploit the representation of the numbers, that would both feel safer and be more clean and easy to understand. Probably slower, of course, but that's a quite nice trade-off especially when one doesn't know anything about the performance expectations.

Do to this, just write code to count the number of 1 bits, the most straight-forward solution generally boils down to a loop.

UPDATE: Given the (weird and annoying) limitations, my response would probably be to unwind the loop given in the "naive" solution on the bithacks page. That wouldn't be pretty, but then I could go do something useful. :)


Bit parity may be done like this:

#include <stdio.h>

int parity(unsigned int x) {
    int parity=0;
    while (x > 0) {
       parity = (parity + (x & 1)) % 2;
       x >>= 1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    unsigned int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        printf("%d\t%s\n", i, parity(i)?"odd":"even");