
I've created an Air app for use in work. To make things slightly easier, I pin the icon to taskbar (Windows 7). The app uses the auto-update framework (default), which works fine.

After I update though, the pinned icon becomes a default blank page icon. If I click on this icon, Windows will tell me that it can't find the program. I need to unpin the icon and repin a new one (the icon in the start menu works fine).

Anyone else have this problem and know how to fix it?

I'm using AIR 2.7 (compiling with the Flex 4.1 SDK) and I'm on Windows 7 64 bit if that helps.


2 Answers


A workaround would be to wrap your app inside another app as a module and only update that module. That way only the module SWF would be overwritten, leaving the original app intact.


Resurrecting an old question. After digging around with pretty specific questions on Google, I found 2 posts, one in the Adobe forums:


and the other in the JIRA:


It looks like this bug has been open for a while and isn't getting fixed any time soon.