I'm trying to run some stored queries in an Access database from an ASP page. I'd like to use an ADO Command object to run the procedure instead of simply sending a string to the database to execute. My trouble is occurring when I try to create the parameters to send to the stored procedure. I'm using the 'CreateParameter' method of the Command object. It takes 5 optional arguments, of which I only want to use two; name and value (arguments 1 and 5 respectively).
I've tried the following approaches to set up the parameters:
1) Using named arguments
command.Parameters.Append command.CreateParameter name:="name", value:="value"
2) Using named arguments inside brackets
command.Parameters.Append command.CreateParameter(name:="name", value:="value")
3) Leaving out optional parameters I don't need
command.Parameters.Append command.CreateParameter("name", , , , "value")
What is a simple way to achieve what I'm trying to do, and why does my syntax fail in these cases? I'm clearly missing something here!