I have a "Unable to copy file X.DLL" in a MSBuild task on my CruiseControl.Net project.
My CCNet project is like this :
<project name="Trunk" queue="Back" queuePriority="1">
<buildArgs>/noconsolelogger /v:quiet /p:Configuration=Debug</buildArgs>
The build report is as follows :
<msbuild startTime="09/21/2011 15:56:11" elapsedTime="00:00:32" elapsedSeconds="32" success="false">
<warning line="0" column="0" timeStamp="09/21/2011 15:56:12"><![CDATA[MSB3021 : Impossible de copier le fichier "D:\wwwroot\CruiseControl\Working\trunk\Reporting\bin\Release\Reporting.dll" vers "back\\Bin\Reporting.dll". Impossible de trouver une partie du chemin d'accès 'D:\wwwroot\CruiseControl\Working\trunk\Reporting\bin\Release\Reporting.dll'.]]></warning>
<warning line="0" column="0" timeStamp="09/21/2011 15:56:12"><![CDATA[MSB3021 : Impossible de copier le fichier "D:\wwwroot\CruiseControl\Working\trunk\KoamaOP\bin\Release\KoamaOP.dll" vers "back\\Bin\KoamaOP.dll". Impossible de trouver une partie du chemin d'accès 'D:\wwwroot\CruiseControl\Working\trunk\KoamaOP\bin\Release\KoamaOP.dll'.]]></warning>
It works perfectly fine when I launch it from a console on my own computer.
The file it tries to copy (\bin\ Release\KoamaOP.dll) does not exists, but \bin\ Debug\KoamaOP.dll exists. Why does it try to get the Release dll, although I specified /p:Configuration=Debug
What can be the root of the problem ?
, is there something else to do ? – thomasb