
I've been working on a SWF that will be converted into a Projector file, no particular great shakes but some fun logic driving some aspects. Written Flex 4.5 it has been a doddle until I test the projector on a new / clean machine and without (v important this) a network connection. What happens is the movie fails with an...

Error #2032: Stream Error: URL: file:///C:|/mydirectory/framework_4.5.0.20967.swz

...after some research I realise this is an RSL (Runtime Shared Library) that is cached on the local machine (WIN7) under the 'C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Flash Player\AssetCache\<8 Char Path>\' along with a host of other RSLs. But in my disconnected state it doesn't work, however, if the machine is connected it does work (by downloading and caching the appropriate libraries from Adobe). Unfortunately I need to deploy this Projector file as a single entity and often into disconnected scenarios. Reviewing Flex's build options I've selected 'Merged into code' for the Framework Linkage that I assumed would create my single, deployable object but alas no.

Is there any way of compiling these RSLs into my deployable SWF / Projector without requiring an Internet Connection?

Thanks in advance


2 Answers


OK, nailed it. After resetting all the build option (after another clean) to 'Merged Into Code' and pointing the 'Source Attachment' value to the appropriate SDK\Frameworks\RSLs directory (and again this didn't work). It turns out adding the following switch in the compiler arguments did the trick...


...from Adobe this ensures that the Framework classes are actually compiled into the SWF.

Thanks for the support Flextras!


When you compile the app; switch the framework type from RSL to Merged Into Code. Your problem should go away.

This is an option in the Flash Builder Project Properties. Look under "Build Path", then "library path." Change the Framework Linkage drop down.