
I'm using the TreeView component from the Silverlight toolkit and I'm trying to get the parent of a selected node. The TreeView is bound to a series of objects, so directly working with a TreeViewItem appears to be out of the question.

<toolkit:TreeView SelectedItemChanged="DoStuff" DisplayMemberPath="Name" ItemsSource="{Binding MyCollection}">
        <common:HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding MySubCollection}">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />

Is there a way to fetch the parent of an item selected in the DoStuff event?


4 Answers


As long as you've downloaded the latest Silverlight Toolkit then this is easy using the TreeViewExtensions that are included.

  1. Download the Silverlight Toolkit and install.
  2. Add a reference to System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit (from the Silverlight Toolkit)
  3. Use the GetParentItem() extension method, like so:

    private void DoStuff(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<object> e)
        if (e.NewValue != null)
            var parent = ((TreeView)sender).GetParentItem(e.NewValue);
            // Do stuff with parent, this snippet updates 
            // a TextBlock showing the name of the current parent
            if (parent != null)
                 Status.Text = parent.ToString();

Why don't you just have the objects in MySubcollection keep a reference to their parent?


Suppose your Tree's name is "tree", this should do the trick

((tree.SelectedItem as TreeViewItem).Parent as SomeObjectOfYours)

Justin Angel wrote about "advanced" TreeView uses, among them finding arbirtraty elements in a treeview by their bound object. Since I am comparatively new to Silverlight, I am not sure if there is a better, more elegant way, but you could use one of his methods to find the parent.

I imagine using a call this way:

TreeViewItem trvi = ContainerFromItem(tree, tree.SelectedItem);
MySubCollectionItem parentItem = ItemFromContainer(tree, trvi.Parent); // note the "Parent" here

With the extension methods below available from somewhere:

public static TreeViewItem ContainerFromItem(this TreeView treeView, object item)
    TreeViewItem containerThatMightContainItem = (TreeViewItem)treeView.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(item);
    if (containerThatMightContainItem != null)
        return containerThatMightContainItem;
        return ContainerFromItem(treeView.ItemContainerGenerator, treeView.Items, item);

private static TreeViewItem ContainerFromItem(ItemContainerGenerator parentItemContainerGenerator, ItemCollection itemCollection, object item)
    foreach (object curChildItem in itemCollection)
        TreeViewItem parentContainer = (TreeViewItem)parentItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(curChildItem);
        if (parentContainer == null)
            return null;
        TreeViewItem containerThatMightContainItem = (TreeViewItem)parentContainer.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(item);
        if (containerThatMightContainItem != null)
            return containerThatMightContainItem;
        TreeViewItem recursionResult = ContainerFromItem(parentContainer.ItemContainerGenerator, parentContainer.Items, item);
        if (recursionResult != null)
            return recursionResult;
    return null;

public static object ItemFromContainer(this TreeView treeView, TreeViewItem container)
    TreeViewItem itemThatMightBelongToContainer = (TreeViewItem)treeView.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(container);
    if (itemThatMightBelongToContainer != null)
        return itemThatMightBelongToContainer;
        return ItemFromContainer(treeView.ItemContainerGenerator, treeView.Items, container);

private static object ItemFromContainer(ItemContainerGenerator parentItemContainerGenerator, ItemCollection itemCollection, TreeViewItem container)
    foreach (object curChildItem in itemCollection)
        TreeViewItem parentContainer = (TreeViewItem)parentItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(curChildItem);
        if (parentContainer == null)
            return null;
        TreeViewItem itemThatMightBelongToContainer = (TreeViewItem)parentContainer.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(container);
        if (itemThatMightBelongToContainer != null)
            return itemThatMightBelongToContainer;
        TreeViewItem recursionResult = ItemFromContainer(parentContainer.ItemContainerGenerator, parentContainer.Items, container) as TreeViewItem;
        if (recursionResult != null)
            return recursionResult;
    return null;