I'm trying to implement OpenID authentication for my site. Here's the scenario:
I want the user to be able to
- login using just openId(user can just get verified by visiting openid provider. no need to create a custom account with email-password),
- Via email/password (user has registered in site by filling out a form)
- Attach open id(s) to his/her accounts (openids + email for one account).
Now I don't know what credentials I should store for open id. and not sure about the DB schema. Here's the database schema:
Table: Users
UserId => PK
... => Custom info. Not related to authentication.
Table: Authentication
AuthenticationId => PK
LoginId => (when custom site membership => email address) (when openId => openid unique address)
UserId => FK to Users.
Provider =>(when custom site membership => "CUSTOM") (when openId => openid provider address)
Password => filled when using custom membership. empty when using open id.
Now when a user logs in, whether by using openid/custom membership, I just look at authentication table and look for credentials and get the appropriate user. If no users exist, I create a new user and add an entry in authentication table.
The main question: Is storing
(see the above comments to see what is being stored in these fields) enough for storing openid authentication? Should I store any additional data so that when the user returns I can authenticate him/her based on my saved data?Do you suggest any other (more efficient) approach to implement this?
Thank you.