At Microsoft BUILD conference, I saw this figure.
I'm wondering whether the position of Win32 is correct or not. What is the role and position of Win32 API in modern Windows architecture?
My concept of Win32 API is a sort of assembly of all modern Windows architecture. Win32 API (or DDK) bridges "Windows Kernel Services" to the other technologies.
I thought that Internet Explorer/.NET/Silverlight are all build upon Win32 API. Even if a fancy new Metro Apps, I conjecture that Win32 is at the bottom place. However, this figure defies my knowledge.
As you can see, IE/.NET/SL/Metro are sitting horizontally with Win32.
- Does this figure necessarily mean that Win32 is not the framework of all other modern technologies?
- What is "Windows Kernel Services"? How programmers can access them? Isn't it through Win32 API and DDK?