Can anyone tell me how to use Coldfusion to access and interact with the Google Voice Java API?
Specifically how would I access API jar files?
How would I programtically access these files/classes via Coldfusion's Java capabilities? For example within a CFC what java classes/functions would I need to call?
Even more basic, in which coldfusion folder would the Java API jar need to be installed?
Stackoverflow member @GuidDoody mentioned he was able to successfully use the Java API with Coldfusion here: CFHTTP Content-Length Header for post to Google Voice "API" . However, no details were given as to how!
Alternatively, am I better off just using CFHTTP to "hack" a log-in and data capture sequence programamtically?
Here is are the resources I've searched so far. But I need help on doing steps 1 - 3 above :
Google Voice Java API How to:
Java API string value pairs:
@GuidDoody's use of CFHTTP: CFHTTP Content-Length Header for post to Google Voice "API"