Here's my problem
I'm using Control.Exception.catch for my exception handling, which has the following type: (culled from Hoogle)
:: Exception e
=> IO a
The computation to run
-> (e -> IO a)
Handler to invoke if an exception is raised
-> IO a
Here is the constructor I will be passing to my handler function
> data JobException = PreProcessFail
> | JobFail
> | ChartFail
> deriving (Show, Typeable)
> instance Control.Exception JobException
Here is the Handler function as it is right now :
> exceptionHandler :: JobException -> IO ()
> exceptionHandler exception = do
> writeFile "testException.txt" ("caught exception " ++ show exception )
I'm going to use this to do some logging. The information I need to log will be in a record of type JobState
> type JobState = MVar ProcessConfig
> data ProcessConfig = PConfig { model :: ServerModel
> , ipAddress :: String
> , cookie :: Cookie
> } deriving Show
So since I need a handler that is forced to have the type I mentioned above, and I need a JobState, I thought the answer would be to rewrite JobException to hide a JobState inside it. That seems to be a job for GADT! I'm not sure, this is new territory.
Am I right? Can I solve this with a GADT? Could someone provide a clue in how to begin to construct one? The tutorials I have been reading assume you're trying to solve a more complicated problem than what I have got.
If I am wrong, could someone point me in the right direction?
update: I learned about dynamic types from 1 and found shortly thereafter Data.Dynamic. Getting warmer?