
i am using authorize.net {aim} for payment gate way.

I have used http://www.johnconde.net/blog/tutorial-integrating-the-authorizenet-aim-api-with-php/ class and successfuly working without error.

But my client need to validate the ccv [Card Code Verification].

Can anyone please help with this.

I am using test authorize for developer account.

Thank You

Surely the CCV is checked by the gateway during the transaction? Why do you need to do anything with it?Jonnix
i checked with the test credit card, for that all the ccv code was 123.but i need to confirm that with proper ccv code it won't work?Traine Freelancer
I'm assuming you are using their testing system?Jonnix
In that case, I'm not sure what you are actually asking. Leave card details to the payment gateway, it's what it is there for. You shouldn't be / have to do anything with any of the card details other than forward them along.Jonnix
ok thank you ,i got it for test account they are not validating cvv codeTraine Freelancer

1 Answers


Right, so after some initial fail on understanding what was being asked for, I think the following should help.


The post provides some code that validates a CVV number. It obviously can't tell you if it's correct or not though.

Hopefully that helps.