I am working on a project where MQ client (Support PAC 7) is installed on one 64-bit Linux machine and it sends messages to server.
On client machine we are using 64-bit linux JDK 1.6.25
java -version
java version "1.6.0_25"
I have following environment variable set up
CLASSPATH= /opt/mqm/java/lib/com.ibm.mq.jar:/opt/mqm/java/lib/com.ibm.mqjms.jar:/opt/mqm/samp/jms/samples:/opt/mqm/samp/wmqjava/samples
but when I run following command
dspmqver -p 6
For native libraries I am seeing following message:
Name: IBM WebSphere MQ
CMVC Level: k701-106-110721 mqjbnd=CC=2;RC=2495;AMQ8568: The native JNI library 'mqjbnd' was not found. [3=mqjbnd]::no mqjbnd in java.library.path
Build Type: Production
I am also getting same error message when I execute JMS code to connect to server. I do not have libmqjbnd.so is not in the /opt/mqm/java/lib64 folder, and not even in 32 bit folder.
I have couple of questions :
1) How do I fix this problem for client installation? 2) Does the library file (.so) need to be there in that directory ?
I will be thankful if anyone provides me answer to above questions, I have already invested many hours in this but no joy.