
Is there a cleaner way to do something like this?

%w[address city state postal country].map(&:to_sym) 
#=> [:address, :city, :state, :postal, :country]

I would have figured %s would have done what I wanted, but it doesn't. It just takes everything between the brackets and makes one big symbol out of it.

Just a minor annoyance.

That's pretty standard. Is there anything about your implementation which makes this method undesirable?dwhalen
Not "really" but Rails often has syntactical sugar like this that makes me feel all warm a tingly inside by using. :)Drew
since ruby 2, there is ! see stackoverflow.com/questions/8816877/…m_x

3 Answers


The original answer was written back in September '11, but, starting from Ruby 2.0, there is a shorter way to create an array of symbols! This literal:

%i[address city state postal country]

will do exactly what you want.


With a risk of becoming too literal, I think the cleanest way to construct an array of symbols is using an array of symbols.

fields = [:address, :city, :state, :postal, :country]

Can't think of anything more concise than that.


%i[ ] Non-interpolated Array of symbols, separated by whitespace (after Ruby 2.0)

%I[ ] Interpolated Array of symbols, separated by whitespace (after Ruby 2.0)

%i[address city state postal country]

the cleanest way to do this is:

%w[address city state postal country].map(&:to_sym)