I'm getting this following permission error, and am not sure why hadoop is trying to write to this particular folder:
hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop/hadoop-*-examples.jar pi 2 100000
Number of Maps = 2
Samples per Map = 100000
Wrote input for Map #0
Wrote input for Map #1
Starting Job
org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException: org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException: Permission denied: user=myuser, access=WRITE, inode="/":hdfs:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x
Any idea why it is trying to write to the root of my hdfs?
Update: After temporarily setting hdfs root (/) to be 777 permissions, I seen that a "/tmp" folder is being written. I suppose one option is to just create a "/tmp" folder with open permissions for all to write to, but it would be nice from a security standpoint if this is instead written to the user folder (i.e. /user/myuser/tmp)