
I've just uploaded my WCF REST based service to Azure.

When I try to use PUT or DELETE I get a 401, Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.

It runs fine in my local and Azure development environments

I've seen other posts referencing Certificates and Permissions.

401 Unauthorized with OData Update and Delete (PUT and DELETE verbs are enabled in IIS, by default)

http://goneale.com/2009/10/22/wcf-the-http-request-is-unauthorized-with-client-authentication-scheme-anonymous/ (doesn't apply because of Azure)

I'm running default settings

Can you provide any more detail about what the WCF service is using the verbs to do? There is a chance the 403 has nothing to do with Azure, but more with permissions, etc on the server itself .. knowing that say "A PUT causes a file to be created, or a db entry to change" could provide better answersTaylor Bird
I created a Ping Service, where all it does is returns the parameter or body sent. I still get the error for PUT and DELETE where Post and Get are fineBrian

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