I am having a WPF dataentry form which has got 3 comboboxes which needs to be filled with Master Details like Department, Job Title and Pay Type & other information. All these 3 master information needs to be fetched from the database. I am using LINQ to SQL as my data layer. I have already built the maintenance pages for these master information(i.e. 3 Viewmodels).
Now My Question:
Is it advisable to use these 3 view models for the comboboxes (which defeats the MVVM since there is more than one view model being used for a view) and directly bind them or is it ok if I just use 3 observablecollection of prime classes (Department, JobTitle & PayType).
I would really appreciate any help in this regard. I have lots of form with the same scenario and I am not able to decide on which route to take.
Thanks in advance.