
Trying to create two clients; one is pub/sub, the other is a standard connection. Is this not possible? There must be a way to abstract this to work :) Basically, if I do a get key after running test.js, all I see is 'valueBefore'. The output:

node test.js 
Reply: OK

        throw new Error("Connection in pub/sub mode, only pub/sub commands may
Error: Connection in pub/sub mode, only pub/sub commands may be used
    at RedisClient.send_command (/Users/franklovecchio/Desktop/development/node/node_modules/redis/index.js:487:15)
    at RedisClient.<anonymous> (/Users/franklovecchio/Desktop/development/node/node_modules/redis/index.js:597:27)
    at Object._onTimeout (/Users/franklovecchio/Desktop/development/node/distributed-cache/client/test.js:19:12)
    at Timer.callback (timers.js:83:39)

The code:

var redis = require('redis');

var client1 = redis.createClient();
var client2 = redis.createClient();

client2.on('message', function (channel, message) {
    console.log('Received a message on channel: ' + channel);       

    client1.set('key', message, redis.print);



client1.set('key', 'valueBefore', redis.print);

    function() {
        client2.publish('channel', 'valueAfter');

1 Answers


You probably need to publish messages from client1 since client2 is dedicated to listening for messages on certain channel. Few words about this behavior are written in node_redis readme:

If you need to send regular commands to Redis while in pub/sub mode, just open another connection.