
Hi Stackoverflow community,

I am creating a voting system with many categories using the FormAPI.

I built the form with drupal_get_form() and stored the html markup into a textarea in a CCK field. I also built the submit function which deals with the database.

However, when I display the node, the form can be construct however, the submission function is not called. I can't figure out the source of the problem. Any advice is appreciated, thanks!


Defines the form:

function judges_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser, $page) { 
switch ($op) {
    case 'view':




  function judges_entry($form_state, $node){
    return $form;

Then I'm simply using CCK to display the form as plain text.

might help if you post some of your relevant code so we might be able to spot the problemnmc
I think it would help as well if we could see your form code as well.Cheesebaron
can you display the full code pleasemaged adel
Sorry, I just thought that the actual problem isn't within the form generation, but rather how Drupal handles the forms that are created.beeflavor

1 Answers


Each time you call drupal_get_form() a new token is generated (for security reasons), so you can't render a form statically into a field and expect it to ever work.

What you need to do is get a fresh version of the form every time you display it by implementing hook_preprocess_node and then outputting the form in your template file. Something like this in your module file:

function MYMODULE_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
  $vars['my_form'] = drupal_get_form('judges_entry',($vars['node']));

Then in your template file (node.tpl.php):

echo $my_form;

Hope that helps