
I have an iPad-only app (targeted device family is iPad, architecture is armv7), but Xcode offers both iPhone & iPad simulators to deploy to in the scheme/device dropdown. If I create a new iPad-only project from scratch, only iPad Simulator is available as a deployment target.

Why does my iPad-only project show iPhone Simulator as a device option?

It would be useful to know which version of Xcode and iOS SDK you are using.antalkerekes
Updated title to include xcode version 4.1memmons
Seeing the same in Xcode 4.2.1. I'm working on two iPad apps at the moment; one gives me iPad simulator options only, the other can be run in both the iPad and iPhone simulators. I can't spot any significant differences between the (admittedly quite different) projects.Simon Whitaker
What happens when you run the app in the iPhone simulator? Also, what happens when you plug a real iPhone into the computer? Does that appear as an option too? Can you run on it?Greg

4 Answers


Just resolved this in our app; it was due to a sub-project being set to target iPhone. If you have any sub-projects, do check their target settings as well; because apparently it can affect your top-level scheme selections.


In case you have a tests target too, make sure in its build settings that the Targeted Device Family is set to iPad as in your app's target. This might sound silly, but I have seen it before.

Then, as stated in the other answers, check the same option for any sub-project's target you may have included in your app's project.


Do a quick search of your target's build settings for "Universal" and change this to iPad if necessary. That's the ONLY reason why this would be happening. The only other thing I can suggest is restarting your computer. Sometimes Xcode has even given me Mac build options for iOS apps! If none of that works, well, if it ain't broke don't fix it, as in if you can build and test it in the iPad Simulator, what's the problem??


This might be occurring if you have initially started a universal app, and changed it at a later time without readjusting the settings. Just change the settings (click on the main project folder and update the settings) and there should be no problem. You can also simply create a new iPad app and copy all your files there. You can select the iPad device family to deploy your app on, and it should remember that setting every time you run it, so don't bother changing it or figuring out why it allows you to deploy on both devices; as long as it's working, keep on programming and testing.