I have sucessfully managed to remove a product with the same bundle_id with this code
add_action( 'woocommerce_cart_item_removed', 'remove_bundled_product_from_cart', 10, 2 );
function remove_bundled_product_from_cart($removed_cart_item_key, $cart) {
$line_item = $cart->removed_cart_contents[ $removed_cart_item_key ];
if(isset($line_item[ 'bundle_id' ]) && !empty($line_item[ 'bundle_id' ]) ) {
$bundle_id = $line_item[ 'bundle_id' ];
foreach( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $key => $item ){
// Check if the item to be removed 1 is in cart
if( $item['bundle_id'] == $bundle_id ){
I have then tried to apply this to approach to woocommerce_update_cart_action_cart_updated
hook and also woocommerce_after_cart_item_quantity_update
hook but I only managed to remove the "cart updated" notice.
After many tries, I currently have this
add_action( 'woocommerce_update_cart_action_cart_updated', 'update_cart_item_quantity', 10, 1 );
function update_cart_item_quantity( $cart_updated ){
if( ! is_cart() ) return; // Only on cart page
$set_qty = $cart->cart_contents[ $cart_updated ]['quantity'];
$line_item = $cart->cart_contents[ $cart_updated ];
if(isset($line_item[ 'bundle_id' ]) && !empty($line_item[ 'bundle_id' ]) ) {
$bundle_id = $line_item[ 'bundle_id' ];
foreach( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $key => $item ){
if( $item['bundle_id'] == $bundle_id ){
WC()->cart->set_quantity($key, $set_qty, true);
$cart->cart_contents[ $key ]['quantity'] = $set_qty;
All I do with the code I currently have is to remove the "cart updated" message but other than that there's no change in behavior when I update the quantity of a product with bundle_id.
How can I update the quantity of the 2nd product with the same bundle_id?