
Please help me!

What I have:

First, I'm using Access 2007. I have a form that include's a subform. In that subform a have a datasheet from a SQL query which get 3 fields. The first field (Supprimer) his a dummy field to display a hyperlink that will be use has a button:

SELECT "Supprimer", permis.abbreviation, permis.description
FROM permis 
INNER JOIN (clients INNER JOIN clients_permis 
  ON clients.ID=clients_permis.id_clients) 
  ON permis.ID=clients_permis.id_permis;

What I want I want my "delete" hyperlinks to delete the datasheet selected record has would pressing the "del" key would

My code for onClick event

Private Sub del_Click()

    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
    'SendKeys ("{DELETE}")       
    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord

End Sub

If I uncommented, the Sendkeys ("{DELETE}") the record is deleted, but, on my systeme this also triggers the numlock key. Who knows what it can do on other system.

the DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord command provokes a Run-Time Error: 2046.

At a previous point the above code worked perfectly.

Sub question: How bad is it to use the SendKeys() methode?pec
I cannot possibly recommend using SendKeys. You might look at this link if you haven't already. access-programmers.co.uk/forums/archive/index.php/t-60046.html There does seem to be a lack of conclusion about what causes this error your getting when trying to delete a record the way you are. You might try running compact and repair to see if that resolves the problem.HK1
Are you sure your recordset is updateable? Why are you using a dummy field to delete rather than a command button? I agree that under no circumstances should you use sendkeys, nor should it be necessary.Fionnuala
Using a command button will set the focus off the datasheet and i won't be able to use "DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord".pec
Continuous forms (as opposed to datasheet forms) allow you to include buttons although you cannot allow your users to easily move columns and apply sorting with continuous forms.HK1

1 Answers


As mentioned in the comments by HK1, here's what can be done (although it's workaround):

Use a continuous form instead of the datasheet.