
On June 21 I changed my website to a new framework. In the past I've used Vuejs and now I'm using React. But my cache never invalidates, I can access my new site only in browsers that never enter the old version or using CTRL + SHIFT + R (But on next refresh the old site backs).

I was looking in the Chrome Dev tools network tool and noticed the response header still sends the date attribute as June 20, others clients have this same problem. How can I resolve this? Without going into browser settings and manually checking my cache, it's impracticable cause older users have this same problem too…

I also tried flush DNS Cache with this tool https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/cache

It's running in Google Cloud Run

enter image description here

Have you checked the revisions of your project? You can also try this documentation to invalidate the cache content.Andres Fiesco Casasola
@AndresFiescoCasasola I'm using different services on cloud run, I changed the mapping on custom domains to my main domain appoint to the new site service, it's not a revision problem. About Invalidating on cache CDN It's not possible, because both projects don't use Cloud CDN, all static files are serving in public folderMatheus Alexandre de Sena