# Basic Flask initialization
        app = Flask(__name__)
        app.config.from_object(config)  # Set the configuration variables to the flask application
        cache = Cache(app)  # Initialize Cache
        api = Api(app)

        # Adding a base url.

This is what my main function looks like, I'm using python package structure to access the main function using a console script. The config is simple. I'm using redis inside a docker to cache, but how do I implement it with Flask Restful more particularly if my class looks like this.

class News(Resource):
    @cache.cached(timeout=30, query_string=True)
    def get(self, ticker=None) -> dict:
        # Default Response when no ticker input in specified.       
        if not ticker:
            return {"Response":"200","Message":"API supports all ticker inputs, invalid ones will return no data whatsoever."}

        # Response when ticker exists
        if ticker:

            # Supplying ticker supplied to the crawler function.
            data = crawler_func(ticker)

            # Returning provided input and data response.
            return {