The mailbox is a queue - if nothing is pulling the messages from the queue (i.e. if the partial function in your react
or receive
loop returns false
for isDefinedAt
), then the messages just stay there.
Strictly speaking this is a memory leak (of your application), although the seriousness of it is dependent on how these unread messages grow in number (obviously). For example, I often use actors to merge in a replay query and a "live stream" of messages both identified by a sequence number. My reaction looks like this:
var lastSeq = 0L
loop {
react {
case Msg(seq, data) if seq > lastSeq => lastSeq = seq; process(data)
This contains a memory leak, but not a "serious" one, as there will be an upper bound in the number of duplicate messages (i.e. there can be no more once the replay query is finished).
However, this may still be an annoyance, as for each reaction, the actor sub-system will scan those messages again to see whether they can be processed.
In fact, thinking about a real mailbox might be a good analogy here. Imagine you left all your junk mail in there: pretty soon, you'd be suffering starvation because of all the junk mail you would have to sift through in order to get to the credit card statement.