i need to convert a ISO-8859-1 file to utf-8 encoding, without loosing content intormations...
i have a file which looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<HelloEncodingWorld>Üöäüßßß Test!!!</HelloEncodingWorld>
Not i want to encode it into UTF-8. I tried following:
f=new File('c:/temp/myiso88591.xml').getText('ISO-8859-1')
ts=new String(f.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8")
g=new File('c:/temp/myutf8.xml').write(ts)
didnt work due to String incompatibilities. Then i read something about bytestreamreaders/writers/streamingmarkupbuilder and other...
then i tried
f=new File('c:/temp/myiso88591.xml').getText('ISO-8859-1')
mb = new groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder()
mb.encoding = "UTF-8"
new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream('c:/temp/myutf8.xml'),'utf-8') << mb.bind {
out << f
this was totally not that what i wanted..
I just want to get the content of an xml read with an ISO-8859-1 reader and then put it into a new (old) file... why this is so complicated :-/
The result should just be, and the file should be really encoded in utf-8:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<HelloEncodingWorld>Üöäüßßß Test!!!</HelloEncodingWorld>
Thanks for any answers Cheers
, it will be converted from that encoding to your internal encoding automatically. I.e. you probably don't need to do anything else as long as your internal encoding is set to use UTF-8. Somebody correct me if I'm off-track here. Alternatively, what are the exact errors you get? – deceze♦