I need to update my solr documents with detailed informations i can grab from a mysql database.
- solr field "city" --> "London" (read from an xml source with post.jar tool)
- on update time (requestHandler /update already configured with custom plugin to do other stuff) solr should query mysql for more information about "London" (or whatever just read)
- solr updates the fields of that document with the query result
i've been trying with a JDBC plugin and with a DIH handler (which i can only use calling /dataimport/ full-import... and i can't in my specific case) and so far no success :(
Any of you had the same problem? How did you solve it? Thanks!
edit: i forgot, for the dih configuration i tried following this guide http://www.cabotsolutions.com/2009/05/using-solr-lucene-for-full-text-search-with-mysql-db/