
I am running maker to annotation a genome.But i didn't run maker with MPI before, so the speed is very low.A genome of 300Mb last 22 days, and still running. And i re read the manual of maker, it said support with MPI.So I installed MPI according to it. Now the question is , how I know if it running with MPI?

the following is my slrum-script

#SBATCH -p xhacnormala
#SBATCH -n 64
#SBATCH --mem 0
#SBATCH -o MPI.out
#SBATCH -e MPI.err

source /public1/home/casdao/kdylvfenghua/kdy_sy2021/maker_env
module load mpi/mpich/3.3.2/gcc-485

mpiexec -n 64 maker
or how can i get maker to annotations faster?Lanrena
did you rebuild maker with MPI? If not, mpiexec -n 64 maker will simply run 64 times the very same serial program, and this is not what you want to do.Gilles Gouaillardet
sure, i rebuild maker with MPI, i used MPIch 3.3.2 you can see the build status: STATUS MAKER v2.31.11 PERL Dependencies: VERIFIED External Programs: VERIFIED External C Libraries: VERIFIED MPI SUPPORT: ENABLED MWAS Web Interface: DISABLED MAKER PACKAGE: CONFIGURATION OKLanrena