I'm trying to display messages as my vbscript program runs. It runs off a command prompt in xp, for example: cscript.exe test.vbs. I don't want to use msgBox while this is running as I just want it to post the scripts progress, but I don't want any user interaction.
I tried using Wscript.echo "Some text", but I'm getting compile errors when I step through the program using Words built-in vbeditor.
I found this code and it runs fine in another file:
Option Explicit
Dim strComputer
strComputer = "LocalHost"
WScript.Echo "Computer: " _
& strComputer
I then tried using Dim and set to setup a Wscript variable, but that didn't work either.
Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong? I did verify Wscript is running on this machine.
Thanks, James