I have this class :
class Repository extends IRepository {
Repository(RRGraphQL client) : super(client: client);
Future<GraphQLResponse<PasswordSendToken$Mutation>> getResetPasswordToken(String email) {
return client.artemis!.execute(
I want to test that does getResetPasswordToken
method call or not :
so this is my test:
class RepoMoc extends Mock implements Repository {}
void main() {
Repository repo = RepoMoc();
test("repo", (){
verify(() => repo.getResetPasswordToken).called(1);
But I got this error :
package:test_api fail
package:mocktail/src/mocktail.dart 519:7 _makeVerify.<fn>
test/common/repository_test.dart 18:11 main.<fn>
Used on a non-mocktail object