Disclaimer: I'm pretty new to Erlang and OTP.
I want a simple pubsub in Erlang/OTP, where processes could subscribe at some "hub" and receive a copy of messages that were sent to that hub.
I know about gen_event
, but it processes events in one single event manager process, while I want every subscriber to be a separate, autonomous process. Also, I was unable to grok gen_event
's handlers supervision. Unfortunately, Google results were full of XMPP (Ejabberd) and RabbitMQ links, so I didn't find anything relevant to my idea.
My idea is that such pubsub model seamlessly maps to supervision tree. So I thought to extend the supervisor (a gen_server
under the hood) to be able to send a cast message to all its children.
I've hacked this in my quick-and-dirty custom "dispatcher" behavior:
-export([notify/2, start_link/2, start_link/3, handle_cast/2]).
start_link(Mod, Args) ->
gen_server:start_link(dispatcher, {self, Mod, Args}, []).
start_link(SupName, Mod, Args) ->
gen_server:start_link(SupName, dispatcher, {SupName, Mod, Args}, []).
notify(Dispatcher, Message) ->
gen_server:cast(Dispatcher, {message, Message}).
handle_cast({message, Message}, State) ->
{reply, Children, State} = supervisor:handle_call(which_children, dummy, State),
Pids = lists:filter(fun(Pid) -> is_pid(Pid) end,
lists:map(fun({_Id, Child, _Type, _Modules}) -> Child end,
[gen_server:cast(Pid, Message) || Pid <- Pids],
{noreply, State}.
However, while everything seem to work fine at the first glance (children receive messages and are seamlessly restarted when they fail), I wonder whenever this was a good idea.
Could someone, please, criticize (or approve) my approach, and/or recommend some alternatives?
, thanks. – drdaeman