I have been through various papers/articles/blogs and what not about Monads. People talk about them in various context like category theory (what in world is that?) etc. After going through all this and trying to really understand and write monadic code, I came to the understanding that monads are just syntactic sugar (probably the most glorified of them all). Whether it is do notation in Haskell or the Computation Expressions in F# or even the LINQ select many operator (remember LINQ syntax is also a syntactic sugar in C#/VB).
My question is if anyone believe monads are more then syntactic sugar (over nested method calls) then please enlighten me with "practicality" rather than "theoretical concepts".
Thanks all.
After going through all the answers I came to the conclusion that implementation of monad concept in a particular language is driven through a syntactic sugar BUT monad concept in itself is not related to syntactic sugar and is very general or abstract concept. Thanks every body for the answer to make the difference clear between the concept itself and the ways it is being implemented in languages.