I have added a menu to my game, and now certain text for the game does not appear unless I quickly double click the text field. Everything non-text works.
theSidebar is an instance of Sidebar movieclip which has two text fields that I added in the flash IDE, both with correct instance names.
I have embedded my fonts, and tracing the text of the textField gives the correct number, without any return lines or whitespaces.
The "double click shows text" is only for my countdown time. My other score text field does not display no matter what, not even the text I set in the flash IDE.
The only thing I can think of why is maybe flash stops rendering it because I have another menu movieclip that I set the alpha to 0 on stage that might overlay the text fields, however removing the menu movieclip does not fix the problem.
Right clicking on the text field, select all, copy, paste gives the correct number.
EDIT: Here's the fla + as files with only the code for the text fields: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11915745/example.zip