
How to write query that will select only issues resolved by me.

I have found some old post that says its no possible, but it might have changed.


12 Answers


Use next JQL: status was resolved by "username"


In 4.4 this seems to work:

status was "Resolved" by currentUser()

More details can be found here.


The answer most often given is to use JQL for something like

status was Resolved BY currentUser()

While all fine and good, this will give you back all the issues that you have ever resolved. That is, if you resolved issue FOO-1966 and then it got reopened and someone else resolved it again it is still an issue that was resolved by you.

Here's a better way to do this in JIRA 6 and later (including JIRA onDemand).

  1. Create a custom field called "Resolver". Make it a person field but do not add it to any forms (unless you really want to).
  2. Edit your workflow and add a post function to the resolve issue transition in your workflow. Make the action "Update custom field" and set the Resolver to %%CURRENT_USER%%.
  3. Publish your workflow.

Now whenever someone resolves an issue using that workflow, the Resolver field will get set to the current user. Now the Resolver field is semantically "last resolved by".

As an added bonus, you can use the value in the Resolver field to reassign issues back to the person who resolved them when they get reopened. I'll leave this as an exercise to the reader. :-)


You can use this JQL query:

 "Resolved by" = currentUser()

(I just verified this in v4.1.2#531 on a standalone version)

There is also a plug in you can use in older versions: https://studio.plugins.atlassian.com/wiki/display/JQLT/Home


None of the above worked for me on JIRA (v4.1.2#531)

However, his works:

"Resource" = currentUser() AND (status = Fixed OR status = Closed OR status = "No Change Required") ORDER BY updated

You can use the WAS operator:

JIRA - Advanced Searching : "The "WAS" operator is used to find issues that currently have, or previously had, the specified value for the specified field"

Example: status WAS "Resolved" BY currentUser()


As far as I can tell, search for resolved by me and more generally, for status changes, is not possible until at least JIRA 4.2.1 (the version I'm using now).

Search and JQL enhancements outlined in 4.3 and 4.4 release notes look like the move in the right direction (WAS operator) but I'm not holding my breath.


None of the above solutions worked for me. I started adding a label to all my issues to resolved_by_kishore, then in advanced search, I'm using lables=resolved_by_kishore. It's working fine.


project = prohjectname AND status was "Resolved" by username and resolutiondate >= '2014/01/08'

and its variants exists in jql now i am not sure whether they existed at the time question was asked.

i am adding this answer so that if anyone comes here can find the answer


For JIRA v6.3.4, this worked for me:

"Resolved By" = currentUser() 

I guess you can use this

status in (resolved) AND component = COMPONENT_NAME AND assignee in (currentUser()) AND resolved > -1d

but the new thing here resolved > -1d this to get the issues that are resolved me in this day

resourses: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/JIRA-4-4-search-filter-how-to-find-issues-resolved-in-last-seven/qaq-p/77326


Using = EMPTY seems to work for searching for empty custom fields with newer versions of Jira