
in a project we are using momentjs with date. And from backend we become the date in the following format: 2016-10-19T08:00:00Z (don't ask me why...) Now we are setting a new date in frontend from some selectboxes. And I am trying to convert this in the same format:

const date = '25.03.2021'; 
const hour = '13';
const minute = '45'; // this 3 values come from value of selectboxes
const rawDate = moment(date).hour(hour).minute(minute);
// trying to convert to 2021-03-25T13:45:00Z
rawDate.format(); // output: 2021-03-25T13:45:00+00:00
rawDate.format('DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss'); // output: 03.01.2022 08:00:00
rawDate.format('DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss z'); // output: 03.01.2022 08:00:00 UTC
rawDate.format('DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss Z'); // output: 03.01.2022 08:00:00 +00:00
rawDate.toISOString(); // output: 2022-01-03T08:00:00.000Z

I know I could probably just use format() or toISOString() and slice/replace the last bit. But I like to know is there a way without any string concat/manipulation?