Fairly simple problem (I'd have thought), but I'm having some issues:
In Rails 3.1.0.rc6/RSpec 2.6.0, I'm trying to test the routing of my 'products' resource, routed like this:
resources :products, :except => [:edit, :update]
The routing for the valid actions works, but I want to ensure that the edit and update routes are not callable. Here's what I'm trying:
it "does not route to #edit" do
lambda { get("/products/1/edit") }.should raise_error
Failure/Error: lambda { get("/products/1/edit") }.should raise_error expected Exception but nothing was raised # ./spec/routing/products_routing_spec.rb:11:in `block (3 levels) in '
...And yet, when I run
it "does not route to #edit" do
get("/products/1/edit").should_not route_to("products#edit", :id => "1")
I get
Failure/Error: get("/products/1/edit").should_not route_to("products#edit", :id => "1") ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches "/products/1/edit"
Any idea what's going on here? I'm guessing this should be pretty simple, but I can't seem to figure it out.