I have a method that takes a Comparable and returns a Comparable and wraps another method that does the same thing:
def myMethod[T <: Comparable[T]](arg: T): T = otherMethod(arg)
def otherMethod[T <: Comparable[T]](arg: T): T = arg
This compiles, but doesn't allow me to call myMethod with an Int or any other type that requires an implicit conversion to implement Comparable. As I understand it, view bounds are meant to address this type of problem, but using the view bound
def myMethod[T <% Comparable[T]](arg: T): T = otherMethod(arg)
I get the compiler error:
inferred type arguments [T] do not conform to method otherMethod's type parameter bounds [T <: java.lang.Comparable[T]]
So far, the only workaround I've come up with is to use a second type parameter and cast between the two:
def myMethod[T <% Comparable[T], U <: Comparable[U]](arg: T): T =
This works, but it's ugly. Is there a better way?