I am creating a small backup script for my personal use, and it works at 99% on the latest version of 7zip, Win7x64 :
:: u : Update archive
:: -t7z : Use 7z file type (less compatible and smaller results)
:: -mx=9 : "Ultra" compression
:: -ms=off : Do not create solid archive (they are incompatible with update archive mode)
:: -mmt=off : Enable multithreading
:: -r : Recursive (traverse all subdirectories)
:: -ssw : Compress locked files
:: -w : Working dir to G: drive (no temp file copy from disk to disk)
@echo "%userprofile%\Desktop" >> list.txt
@echo "%userprofile%\Documents" >> list.txt
@echo "%userprofile%\Downloads" >> list.txt
@echo "%userprofile%\Saved Games" >> list.txt
@echo "%userprofile%\Pictures" >> list.txt
"C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe" u -t7z -mx=9 -ms=off -mmt=on -r -ssw -wg: "G:\AutoSaveC\SaveC.7z" @list.txt
del list.txt
shutdown -s -t 180
There are two problems tho :
1- Even though the archive contains all expected folders and files, it also contains stuff never intended to be there (only part of the files from the original folders) :
2- It also gives me warnings about denied access to folders I NEVER told it to look at :
C:\Users\LocalAdmin\AppData\Local\Application Data\: WARNING: Access denied. C:\Users\LocalAdmin\AppData\Local\ElevatedDiagnostics\: WARNING: Access denied. C:\Users\LocalAdmin\AppData\Local\History\: WARNING: Access denied. C:\Users\LocalAdmin\AppData\Local\Temp\msdtadmin\: WARNING: Access denied. C:\Users\LocalAdmin\AppData\Local\Temporary Internet Files\: WARNING: Access denied. C:\Users\LocalAdmin\Application Data\: WARNING: Access denied. C:\Users\LocalAdmin\Cookies\: WARNING: Access denied. C:\Users\LocalAdmin\Local Settings\: WARNING: Access denied. C:\Users\LocalAdmin\Recent\: WARNING: Access denied. C:\Users\LocalAdmin\SendTo\: WARNING: Access denied.
Do you know what I'm doing wrong ? Or is it a bug from 7zip ?