I'm using Konva and trying to change the fill color of a tag using the setAttrs, however I keep getting an error "setAttrs is not a function" I'm trying to start by getting a child of the label, and setting the attribute of that. Any thought's on what I could be doing wrong?
// Add labels for each IO
var IO = new Konva.Label({
x: 10,
y: 10,
name: "Tag 1",
new Konva.Tag({
fill: '#C1EFF5',
stroke: '#555',
strokeWidth: 2,
new Konva.Text({
text: IOArray[i][0],
fontFamily: 'Calibri',
fontSize: modelDictionary.fontSize,
padding: 5,
fill: 'black',
// Add listening Events such as clicking
IO.on('click', function () {
// get only Tag
var tagsClicked = this.getChildren(function(node){
return node.getClassName() === 'Tag';
fill: 'red'
// Add the input to the group for display