
I am trying to expose some internals to my unit test project by using:

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyTest")]

But I am getting the error:

Error 1 Friend assembly reference MyTest' is invalid. Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations. .../MyClass.cs...

When I assign a PublicTokenKey manually:

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyTest, PublicKeyToken=XxxxxYysakf")]

The solution builds without any error.

  1. Why do I need to include a public key token?
  2. I am not sure if I will break something in production by including the public key token.

So, what is the best and safest way to assign an public key to my Test project?

You shouldnt need to assign a public key token. But you need to make sure that the assembly names match.user604613
I am copy pasting the assembly names from the Assembly Name field shown in Project properties. So it should be correct, I gues..pencilCake
Alright, so i havent encountered that issue myself, but this guy here might have another option for you blog.tylerholmes.com/2008/04/…user604613
The solution builds without errors when you use PublicKeyToken, but Intellisense might give you a hint that the assembly reference couldn't be resolved.Bogdan Verbenets

1 Answers


I am surprised that PublicKeyToken even works - on my machine it forces me to use PublicKey

  1. The reason that you need a public key token is because strongly-named assemblies can be put into the GAC - which has high trust. It would be a security hole if any assembly called 'MyTest' (that is potentially untrusted - e.g. a control in the browser) could call into the internals of a GACed assembly; it wants the public key to prevent this type of hack.

  2. This shouldn't break anything in production - even if the assembly cannot be found. This attribute is used during compile-time and not runtime.

What is the safest way?

If you are really worried about it breaking production code, remove the attribute during release builds:

#if (DEBUG || TEST)
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyTest, PublicKeyToken=XxxxxYysakf")] 

If you have a few projects that need the public key token (and you have a single key pair, which you should) you could also define a file such as AssemblyInfo.global.cs and add it as a linked file to all your projects:

class KeyTokens
   public const string Global = ", PublicKeyToken=XxxxxYysakf";

This simplifies things to (especially if you need to use the PublicKey which is really long):

#if (DEBUG || TEST)
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyTest" + KeyTokens.Global)] 
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("HisTest" + KeyTokens.Global)] 
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("TheirTest" + KeyTokens.Global)] 