I have created a .phtml file at /app/design/frontend/mytemplate/default/template/page/html/footer.cat.links.phtml
which at the moment simply contains 1 html div, with some text in it.
I'm trying to add this to the footer but I've not toyed around with the layout xml before.
So, I opened up /app/design/frontend/mytemplate/default/layout/page.xml, and tried adding:
<block type="catalog/navigation" name="footer.cat.links" as="footerCatLinks" template="page/html/footer.cat.links.phtml" />
(Type is "catalog/navigation" as I intend to get this to work: http://www.magentocommerce.com/wiki/4_-_themes_and_template_customization/catalog/getting_and_using_categories_and_subcategories)
I put it just inside the footer block like this:
<block type="page/html_footer" name="footer" as="footer" template="page/html/footer.phtml"><my block here></block>
Then in footer.phtml, I have tried to call the new block with:
<?php $this->getChildHtml('footerCatLinks') ?>
I've refreshed the cache etc. but it doesn't add the html div in footer.cat.links.phtml when I view in browser.
I finally thought I was getting my head around Magento a bit, but from my understanding of the documentation this should work! How wrong am I?