
I need help with multiselect checkbox filter on datatables along with making it responsive. I searched the datatables documentation but did not find anything related to it. I am not a big fan of Search Pane and would like to use checkboxes in the dropdown instead. I have this code but need help with the following: Thanks.

  1. I would like to add the text "Select" on top of all fields for the dropdown filter
  2. How can I make the table responsive with scrollbar.

Please see the code below:


The only thing I can think of is to listen to the responsive-resize event and tweak the styling of the thead tr as a result - how you want to do that is going to be interesting though - I've made a small start on something which might help here: replit.com/@annoyingmouse/xedexixi#script.js I hope it at least offers a suitable starting point.annoyingmouse